
Rianne Zijderveld
Meraki Agency
“How much money can we earn from art before it becomes corrupt?
In front of the work on the wall is a pedestal with a screen on it, it tells us that the work has a value of € 4,003 and before we blink our eyes the counter shoots up with €1.
The amount on the screen is equal to the number of followers that the artist @peimsloot currently has on instagram. The title of the installation is UNFOLLOW, a challenge to the buyer or "An ironical way of dealing with our social media addiction" as Peim van der Sloot describes it himself.
Unfollow is 1 of the 8 installations that are exhibited during the solo exhibition of the same name by Peim van der Sloot at Gallery Oz in Amsterdam. All installations are a reaction to the sensitive, sometimes bizarre, relationship between money and art. "

peim(at)peim(dot)nl — Amsterdam, the Netherlands