
Rianne Zijderveld
Meraki Agency
“ Van der Sloot's fascination with the subject began with the red sticker that is stuck under a work when it is sold. A particular image on itself when you walk along the walls of a gallery or art fair. This sticker has emerged in many forms and languages within the work of the artist.
For the exhibition in Gallery Oz this fascination comes through in its full experience. Every work has its own method of transaction. For example, there is a ‘blind bidding’ where you put your bid in the black box, without knowing what others have offered. Or, let luck decide the price of the artwork by giving the ‘wheel of fortune’ a spin.
Walking around the exhibition space the visitor can even make money themselves. When a buyer decides to buy the work "Para todos todo" (with a value of €700), this amount will be divided among all visitors who are present at that moment.
When Peim van der Sloot's self-portrait is purchased, the buyer can decide what to do with the money. Each of the installations are light-hearted and with humor, but they carry along questions that may deserve serious answers. “

peim(at)peim(dot)nl — Amsterdam, the Netherlands